August and September Blocks of the Month are now available!
Just a heads up that the August and September Blocks of the Month are now available in the Free Patterns Section of my web page.
These blocks are also available at the Carol Doak Bonus Block of the Month page on Facebook. The advantage of joining this free group is that you will see over 100 variations of each block I upload. We now have over 6,000 members worldwide and I have uploaded over 20 Free Patterns since June. Come and join in the fun.

August Block of the Month

This will give you some idea of just some of the spectacular blocks being made by group members.

The September Block is so wonderfully dramatic!

Yeah! These are now available.

I had so much fun yesterday whipping up this little card! I am so happy these special cards are back! Remember, the 50 Little Paper Pieced Blocks is the perfect companion for these cards. There are block designs for every time of the year!

Until next time, happy paper piecing!