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October 2007 Carol Doak Newsletter
Attention: My website will be shut down for a couple of hours on Sunday, September 30th to install some upgrades. I am beginning a new technology leap this month by sending out my newsletter to you via email rather than having you come to my web page to read the latest information. This automated system will save me time in updating the newsletter list manually and will keep you up to date easily and efficiently. I will still continue to post the monthly newsletter on the web page so you will have it there to reference too.
Mariner`s Compass Stars
My newest book continues to generate lots of excitement. I love teaching the workshops using this book and the resulting quilts in the classes are so wonderfully varied. Hopefully I will have some new quilts to share in the Show and Tell Section soon.
One quilter wrote me recently, " I have just recently learned how to paper piece, purchased the new book today and can't stop! For years I have wanted to learn to piece a mariner's compass and today I succeeded." I just love it when quilters find success!!!
I did upload a new picture of a twelve block sampler in the Gallery section so you can see how stunning a block-of- the-month project would be. Here is another sampler featuring some of the blocks in the book.
Cherry Wood Keepsake Boxes
I just added these gorgeous boxes to the web store a month ago.
These beautifully made keepsake boxes permit you to showcase your patchwork blocks and make a great gift item. I've made some miniature blocks to use in these new keepsake boxes. This block is the China block from the new book in a 4" size. These gorgeous boxes continue to be a popular item in the store with quilters coming back to order them again. I've already made several for gifts and everyone just loves them!!!
New Free Pattern

When the very active Carol Doak Quilting Group
reached 2000 members this summer, I designed a new Mariner`s Compass style block and little quilt for the group. It was a popular project made by lots of members. This block was made by Glenda from Vermont. I decided to upload it to the Free Pattern section of my web page. Enjoy!
Click here to visit free patterns:
The Carol Doak Quilting Group

Wow, this wonderful group never ceases to amaze me with their creativity. I started a block of the month last month and we had 80 pictures posted showing an amazing amount of creativity and variations. This stunning September block was made by Michele from New York.
I just uploaded the October Block of the Month for the group and I can already see that they will surpass last month.
If you would like to join in the fun, please feel free to join us at:
October Book Bundle of the Month
I have selected the 40 Bright & Bold Paper-Pieced Blocks and Companion Foundation Factory CD Bundle as the bundle of the month. This book contains a wide variety of block designs and quilts. The companion Foundation Factory permits you to print the block designs in any size you like. This book is currently out of print, but I will have it available as long as the supply lasts. Take advantage of the reduced price this month to add these to your paper piecing library.
Click here to visit the store:
Tip of the Month:
You know those styrofoam meat and fruit trays you get when you food shop? Well, wash them out good and save them for transporting your cut and labeled fabric pieces from the cutting table to the sewing machine.
On the road again....
I think autumn is definitely my favorite season here in New England. I'll be teaching here in New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts this month so I hope to be treated to some of nature's beauty. I'll also be off to Idaho and then Houston for the International Quilt Festival. I love going to Houston and meeting up with friends, meeting quilters from all over the world and I always come home so inspired!
Until next time,
All the best,