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June 2009 Newsletter From Carol Doak

I love receiving photos of the finished products from the groups that I visit. Just this week I received this photo from a lovely group in Ankeny, Iowa that I visited in April. The happy students are showing off their Perfect Points and their lovely Sunrise Mariner`s Compass Quilts.
The Web Store

Book of the Month

300 Paper-Pieced Quilts Blocks is 6 times larger than any other book and contains a huge selection of blocks for every season and every reason.
With Father's Day coming up, there is even a "Shirt and Tie" block that is perfect for the day.
It comes with the Foundation Factory CD in the book, so you can print blocks to make miniature quilts or larger blocks to make bed size quilts. You can also distort the blocks to rectangular shapes to make paper-pieced borders. There are just so many possibilities between the pages of this book. It is truly a "must-have" for every paper piecing library. Take advantage of the reduced price this month to add it to your library.
Don't forget to look for those bundled and surprise sale items to pick up a few other items at the same time and save on postage.
Carol Doak Yahoo Group

Just today, we concluded the 9-Patch Star Challenge. The members made over 100 blocks and posted their pictures. I chose two random winners today to receive 60 Fat Quarters.
Our wonderful Swap Hostess, Cathy, began a Monthly Block Lottery. There have already been multiple winners of simply stunning blocks.
And just so we are not have designed an Anniversary Mystery Quilt. I uploaded the first block design today. I am so looking forward to seeing all the varied quilts that are going to result from this design.
And, this week is our 3rd Anniversary. We are less than 100 members from 5,000 members. You know what that means? Right, I design a 5,000 Member Celebration Block.
We would love to have you join us. To join, just click on the link above.
What Is New?
OK, I admit it! I am so excited about my new fabric line coming out in the fall. It is going to be produced by Northcott Fabrics and the name is Floral Affair. I am so impressed with the stunning artwork and can't wait to get my hands on the actual fabrics. The designs will offer the opportunity to make some gorgeous quilts with unique fabric applications. I have already started designing quilts.I also just signed up on Facebook. You may think I have this techno thing down pat, but trust me, I have come into this age kicking and screaming. It is rather instant gratification and kind of fun to share things. For instance, I could share some of the new vests I have been making. Do stop by and become a member of my "Fan Page".
On The Road Again
Well, you know I just returned from North Carolina and I head out to Michigan, Long Island and Tennessee this month. You can always keep track of my travels via my Teaching Schedule here on my web page. I hope to meet some of you along the way.Until next time,
May all your points be perfect,