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November 2007 Carol Doak Newsletter
I do apologize for being a bit late in sending out my November Newsletter. Actually, I was away teaching at the Houston International Quilt Festival when November arrived. I always come home so inspired after seeing the new fabrics and products at festival and playing with the greatest group on earth, quilters!
Mariner's Compass Stars

The Web Store

The beautiful Cherry Keepsake boxes continue to be a popular item. They make the most wonderful gifts and gift season is quickly approaching. I just put in another order for the 4" opening boxes as I am running low, but received notice that it might be 3 weeks before I receive more. I currently have several of the 6" opening boxes. If you are thinking about giving one of these this holiday with a special block, I wouldn't delay in ordering.
click here to visit the store:
November Bundle of the Month

I chose the 50 Fabulous Paper-Pieced Stars book and Companion CD as the book and cd of the month and reduced the price for this month only. Take advantage of the reduced price to add this book full of stunning 8-pointed stars to your quilting library. There is a Star Block for each state and a must have for any paper piecing library. This book has been a best seller for years!
click here to visit the store:
The Carol Doak Quilting Group

What can I say except that this group continues to amaze me with their creativity and sharing. We are now over 2500 members which means I am working on a new 2500 Celebration Block to be uploaded shortly. The members are going strong making their blocks of the month. I provide the pattern and cutting list and the members decide how they will place their fabrics. The resulting blocks produce such a variety of designs. This has turned out to be a wonderful creative exercise for all our members. The block shown here is Anita's from Oregon.
If you would like to join in the fun, please do. Just click here to join
Tip of the Month
When you are printing a foundation from the Foundation Factory and will only use the top half of the paper, turn the paper over and put it in so a different block can be printed on the other side.On the Road Again....
I'll be leaving soon for Little Rock, AR, and then will be teaching here in NH, MA, and CT. I hope to meet some of you along the way....
All the best,